Friday, September 3, 2004

Employee Growth Chart

Just a quickie: Todd Bishop at the Seattle-PI put together an informative
post, href="
om=rss">Deciphering Job Numbers, which graphs out Microsoft's increasing
employment numbers according to broad discipline.

Wow, what do you

Personally, I really don't know why "Sales, Marketing, and
Support" needs to track "Product Research and
Development."  Again, taking up the performance analogy, I'd start
massive trimming there. 

Both of those curves need to start a
downwards trend and need to be the focus of layoffs.  I'd also be
really interested if we have awful products that require a greater amount of
support / effort to sell and market, especially considering what's the
comparable investment of that effort given the products' profits (or lack
there-of).  If the ROI just isn't there for those guys then that's key
data to push forward into deciding which groups to cut back in: if you're
creating a messy-complex product that requires us to hire scads of people to
sell, market, and support it, perhaps we need to get the hell out of here
and cancel what we're doing.

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