Thursday, November 11, 2004

Cut-backs, offshoring, and PSS

Just a quick link: href="">Called PSS

Again, I'll stand by my desire for a smaller Microsoft by
any means necessary. We're way too big. But on the BrightnessScale
measurin'o-nomoter, this kind of offshoring decision lands the needle dead
in the middle of "dumb-ass" (kind of like canceling all of
those branded href="
b1-bda0-8c7406035ef7">Microsoft drinking cups and not having any
replacements in the queue, leading to the Great Cup Crisis of

One thing that's supposed to distinguish Microsoft is the
level of product support we provide from live, talented people who know the
products super well. This is one step closer to just relying on Google
searches. And I might as well get me some of that free software if that's
the level of self-sufficient support I need to resort to...

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